Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lines In The Desert Plains Chapter 10: An investigation of the Nazca Lines

A common source of data for Archeoastronomy is the study of alignments. This is based on the assumption that the axis of an archeological site is meaningfully oriented towards an astronomical object. Alignments are unlikely to be chosen by chance, usually by demonstrating common patterns of alignment at multiple sites. Alignments of the Nazca Lines at sunrise and sunset on the day of the zenith passage were found by Paul Kosok. Let us assume we are in a spacecraft entering the Earth’s atmosphere near the North Pole.


We fly south along the western coast of the Americas until we reach Peru. A giant trident or candelabra is seen on the side of a mountain on the Paracas Peninsula near Pisco pointing southeast toward the Nazca lines.

The Candelabra Explained

The sign shows a pyramid near the bottom and our spaceship at the top which tells us to change our heading to the southeast to Cahuachi. Note the spacecraft may be denoted by feathers which would indicate flight-the feathers of the condor. The symbols on either side must indicate information about the two landing areas that have been discussed. Upon reaching the Nazca area we would see the Nazca symbols on the ground and the runways ( ray centers) and could land there. The distance from the Candelabra to the ancient astronaut landing areas in Nazca is a little over 103 miles.

Possible Landing Areas

The hummingbird appears to have been carved out of rock (remember we are on top of a plateau). In Mesoamerican culture the hummingbird could be a god. And there was even a hummingbird talisman, which was emblematic for vigor, energy and propensity to do work. In one case it is in a creation myth having to do with the formation of water. This hummingbird carved out of a level surface could mean something either to the ancient astronauts or to the Nazca- a place where water could be found.  But the beak could also be pointing at the landing area next to it.

The Hummingbird

Another interesting site a few miles west of Cahuachi is the Estaqueria. Some believe it was a zodiac observatory others think it had to do with the preparations for mummifying bodies.

The Estaqueria
But many believe the Estaqueria to be a Nazca solar observatory, which was built on platforms made of adobe and columns of “huarongas” trunks (a variety of tree).

Arial View of the Estaqueria
 You can see from this image that the layout was extensive. Erick von Daniken even went so far as to draw a floor plan for this observatory and it is quite interesting to say the least.

The Solar Observatory (The Estaqueria)

But now since the time of the Nazca the stars that were aligned to objects in the desert have moved. So we now have two-fold problem, deciding which creatures designate stars and finding the stars that was designated by these creatures. It is the same case with the solar observatory of 2,000 years ago-the stars have moved and so it would be out of alignment too, and we can only guess what creatures the Nazca used as their constellations (other than the spider). Erich van Daneken, author of the controversial best selling book “Chariots of the Gods ?” proposed and popularized the idea that ancient astronauts were responsible for building many of the worlds ancient landmarks including the Nazca lines and the pyramid at Cahuachi. He argued that the huge geometric geoglyphs (ray centers and trapezoids) can be understood as cosmic airfields, but built to the instructions of the ancient astronauts. Other enormous ground drawings supposedly function as signal for the ETs, who Van Daneken described as human-like. According to this theory, the ancient astronauts visited Peru’s southern desert in ancient times, then departed, upon which the native population continued to build geoglyphs in an attempt to woo the aliens back. The Nazca may have believed that they were worshipping gods, and if we replace the word gods with ET “we have hit the nail on the head”(EvD).

The Cahauchi Pyramid

One of the questions concerns the following question: How did man decide to build pyramids in completely different parts of the Earth without any communication between cultures ? Egypt and Mesopotamia had pyramids now Peru had them as did Mesoamerica. It is a perplexing notion and in a few (not all) cases may indicate the presence of ancient astronauts, but this one piece of evidence by itself is not sufficient unless something extraordinary was found. The pyramids (no matter where they are ) could represent mankind’s first skyscrapers. Naturally archeologists and others involved in the investigation of the Nazca Lines say there is no evidence to suggest that ancient astronauts are responsible for the Nazca lines and designs on the plain. Generally speaking if something were discovered it would become proprietary and remain secret for a long time before a scientist would release that information openly to the general public. When he does his theories must withstand the criticism of his peers. Then there are governments who would frown on releasing the evidence of the past presence of ET  -since they deny their presence now.

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