Saturday, November 13, 2010

Lines On the Desert Plains: An investigation of the Nazca Lines

 The Nazca Desert Plains

If one wanted to find the most obvious place on Earth to find evidence of ancient astronauts to my way of thinking-it would be the Nazca Lines in Peru. So this is an investigation and examination of the area, to see what kind of sense can be made out of it. It has all the makings of being an Ancient astronaut space base with runways, a astrological religious center;
 and since it is on a dry desert plain that receives very little rain, there is reason to have irrigation projects. I have heard stories of the mineral richness of the area. Even a story about mountain peaks in the area that appeared to be shaved off for a flat level surface that may have been useful to the ancient astronauts.
This is the first impression I thought of when going over the information that I have.  Every aspect of evidence even the Nazca people themselves must be considered in this investigation. The Nazca lines were constructed probably over a long period of time. This latter theory  I think it is a good evaluation of and how the Nazca Lines could have been made, and since this desert is hot during the day and cold at night it is hard to determine what time of day the work was done. But the Nazca were acclimated to the weather there so it could have been built at any time they thought it was best for the work.
This document is a historical archeology type of work. Since I mainly use information from these sources, plus speculation by others and some of my own thoughts. Google Earth and Wikipedia have been two of my sources and other sources have been derived from them in making this story into a short archeological history,
The scholars and writers say very little has changed in that desert environment. The truth is -that everything moves, you may not see it moving but it is moving and that movement accumulates over time. So that desert is not pristine. About 2000 years worth of time is what we are talking about. The area where these people lived is right next to a fault line and has a history or tremors and earthquakes-and that is a lot of movement-even today ! There are lines all over the place in this area, and some of what they left behind has been destroyed by the movement that has occurred. You will learn more when you read this story.
Sincerely, Alaudun

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